Surfing Championship in a Polluted Wave? list In: Cuidemos nuestro planeta On: martes, marzo 29 2022 comment Comment: 0 favorite Hit: 1496 The Greenpeace organization organizes the "sacrifice" championship where the difficulty of the wave is in its toxicity. On December 10, 2021, Greenpeace invited seven renowned Chilean surfers to participate in "El Sacrificio, the most dangerous surfing championship", held in the industrial zone of Quintero Puchuncaví. With this action they want to make known the toxicity of the water as a result of unbridled industrialization in a natural area and the cradle of one of the main surf spots in Chile. Industrial activity in the districts of Quintero and Puchuncaví began in the 1960s and has increased exponentially until there are 19 companies operating in that area, 14 are located in the district of Puchuncaví and 5 in the district of Quintero. In recent years, there have been cases of poisoning of students and teachers in La Greda (2011), a spill of 38,700 liters of oil in Quintero Bay (2014), multiple and successive strandings of coal, highly toxic pollutant peaks, with soils passed up to 100 times contaminants such as arsenic. In 2018, an environmental emergency was decreed for the first time due to contamination in the Quintero and Puchuncaví area. From Surf Monkey, we are constantly fighting to try to preserve this wonderful world where we live and we believe that every action counts. We leave a link to Greenpeace's action, in case you want to know more about the action or want to sign the petition for the closure of the Quintero - Puchuncaví thermoelectric plants. greenpeace Small acts have the power to become revolutions Source: Greenpeace Like This Twitter Tags: Quintero Puchuncaví polluted wave "Sacrifice" Championship Surfing Championship Surfing in polluted water water toxicity Surf Surf Monkey Pollution surfing in a polluted wave environmental impact surfing competition Greenpeace In Same Category Surf Monkey and Surfrider Spain join forces in a sustainable collaboration to save the oceans Why is it important to make Fluorine-free DWR garments? Interview with Ainhoa Lendinez - Trail running Entrevista a Quique Bolsitas - Plogging y Limpieza del Medio Ambiente Unidos por las Playas: Nuestra Jornada de Limpieza con surfriderbarcelona Related by Tags Re-Usable Packaging Surfing Championship in a Polluted Wave? Let’s go back to the origins UPS Carbon Neutral Has one of our garments been damaged? Comments No comment at this time! Leave your comment Full Name Email Comment Captcha Submit Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April May June July August September October November December