You may choose between having your purchase shipped over to the postal address you are registered with (invoicing address) or to a different one (shipping address), e.g. your workplace or your home address. Shipping costs will not vary, regardless of the number of items in your shopping cart or the total weight of those items. They will vary, though, depending on the country where the items are shipped.
The estimated time to receive your order is between 1-2 days for Spanish territory, 2 - 3 days for Europe and 10-15 days for international orders: shipment times are always expressed in workdays, and should be counted after the order has left our central store. Shipments will be carried out between Monday and Friday (not counting holidays) and will be subject to the specifications of our logistics operators.
If you wish to closely track your order, get in touch with us at and we will provide you with the details of the shipment.
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